Biosensor Programme

Loading the prototype cartridge

This work was presented at the AACC Oak Ridge Conference, 2010.

The Scottish Government through ITI Techmedia funded a $15m programme (4 year programme) to develop a Biosensor prototype for the rapid (<10minutes) diagnosis of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis C from a blood sample, in the 1 viral particle per millilitre sensitivity range.

Jonathan Salmon (now of Salmon Consultants Ltd) was responsible for timely deliverables, financial planning and communication and headed a team peaking at 14 biological scientists and mechanical, electrical and software engineers, with additional external optical consultants.

Jonathan managed $6m of a $15m overall project, communicating with project partners, company management and funder project management over a period of four years.

A microfluidic chip
The system revolved around a multi-layer microfluidic chip enabling a number of technologies including nanolitre resolution fluid control and an extremely fast and highly sensitive Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR) solution.

The instrument and polymer device were designed to be flexible and of modular design, enabling a variety of assay types to be carried out simultaneously on the one cartridge, and new cartridges to be rapidly designed for analysis of other disease states.


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