Google Fusion Tables and Maps - An Experiment
This page is an experiment in Google Fusion Tables and Maps The map below is a static image generated by a very simple table in Google Fusion Tables. There should be another map below here too (Chrome suggests it is insecure content and prompts you to agree to load it. You shouldn't take it from me, but it's fine and generated by Google anyway): This map is an embedded Fusion Tables Map. The map shows GDP per capita for the countries of ADB's Central and West Region. (For the record, the information in the table comes from ADB's website and Wikipedia and is all publicly available; the choice of data is not particularly important) This map is Flash content, somewhat oddly, and frustratingly, as all the other Fusion Table maps are Google Maps mashups, and it means Google has excluded iOS devices from viewing this sort of map. The view region for the entire map has many options, above 'World' has been chosen, as unfortunately the nearest other option ...